Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What color is an apple?

"Still Life - Apples and a Jar"
Artist: Samuel Peploe

I found this on the Spiritual Literacy blog that is kept by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat:

We always like to keep up with what Robert Fulghum is writing about in his online journal. He has a knack for finding delightful things in the ordinary experiences of everyday life. In an entry for May 31, 2009, he shares an encounter with a group of little children out for a stroll after a rainstorm. One of the children steps out of the line because he's seen a rainbow — not in the sky but in a puddle of water. His act of wonder opens the eyes of the other kids and the teacher to the path of imagination. This teaching story reminds us of the boy who, when asks the color of apples, says "white." The teacher says apples can be red or green or yellow, but the boy has looked inside them.
Wonder. Do you have it?

What's inside. Do you look?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Forgiveness as defiance

Artist: Rembrandt

Forgiveness as defiance. Now there's a concept, isn't it? Take a look:
Forgiveness is an embrace, across all barriers, against all odds, in defiance of all that is mean and petty and vindictive and cruel in this life.

Worth pondering. With sincere thoughtfulness.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Every bit of love

Artist: Karl Nordström
Image from Wikimedia Commons

Quite a lovely image, I think:
It is good and true to think that every ray of the sun touching the earth has the sun at the other end of it. Just so, every bit of love upon God’s earth has God at the other end of it.
- Mark Guy Pearse