Friday, September 25, 2009

Feast of St. Sergius, Abbot

A story about St. Sergius:
Six months before his death St. Sergius was granted a revelation of it. He gathered his monks around him, handed the administration of the monastery over to his disciple, St. Nikon, and gave himself over to solitude. Before his departure from this world, he once again gathered his monks and instructed them to remain in faith and unity, to preserve spiritual and physical purity, to have great love among themselves, to refrain from evil desires and passions, to keep moderation in food and drink, to espouse hospitality, to be humble and shun earthly glory and vanity. The saint then partook of the Holy Mysteries and quietly said: “Into Thine hands I give up my spirit, o Lord.” Immediately an indescribable fragrance issued from his body, while his face shone with heavenly rapture. This took place on September 25, 1392.
The advice Sergius gave his monks is good for all people in all times.

Today, by the way, is the anniversary of my first vows as a religious solitary. The year was 1987. I remain grateful beyond all telling for the grace of my vocation. Deo gratias!


  1. I too am grateful for the grace of your vocation Sister!

    annie c

  2. I am grateful for having benefitted from your ministry, though only recently. Blessings on your ongoing vocation!

  3. Thank you, Paul and Annie. Your kind and affirming words mean a lot to me.


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