Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When tears come...

Artist: Rembrandt Peale

Lent is meant to be a time of reflection, of self-examination, of spiritual housecleaning. Sometimes that process enables us to see things that trigger considerable grief. Here's something to remember:

When tears come, I breathe deeply and rest. I know I am swimming in a hallowed stream where many have gone before. I am not alone, crazy, or having a nervous breakdown . . . My heart is at work. My soul is awake.

Mary Margaret Funk in Thoughts Matter


  1. Yes, I really thought so too. I find it sad when people apologize for tears in my office. During a spiritual conversation is exactly the right time and place to cry, it seems to me.

  2. Having recently had my father die, I find this an interesting way of looking at tears. Although the context is different, when dealing with death there is much reflection, self-examination, and spiritual housecleaning also--at least for me, so this quote very much hits to home. Thank you Ellie,
    Carolyn L.


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