Monday, July 26, 2010

Knowing and loving

Artist: Charles Sprague Pearce

Here is a saying by Blaise Pascal that I had not come across before today:
Human beings must be known to be loved; but Divine beings must be loved to be known.
I think it bears pondering.


  1. I think it's an interesting quote, but not sure I agree. It seems to me that we need to spend time with these "Divine Beings" before they reveal themselves to us. However, I am open to other comments on the subject.
    annie c

  2. Well, I think you have a point, Annie.

    Maybe Pascal is thinking of love being not the cause as such of knowing the Divine beings but rather the vehicle by which we make ourselves open to, receptive to, their revelation of themselves to us? I don't know. It's one way of looking at it, I think.

  3. Thank you Sister Ellie...I would then ask, how do we allow ourselves to be open and receptive to that love without spending time trying to do just that?

    annie c

  4. No doubt we DO need to spend time doing just that.

  5. My, my, my--just beautiful.


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