Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An urgent prayer request

Hello, dear internet friends.

I want to ask your earnest prayers for my niece, Jane, her husband, Chris, and their newborn little boy. The baby was born last night and is now in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Virginia Medical School hospital. He will need heart surgery.

My brother says that it is possible that the baby can go home to build his strength up for a while before the surgery but they're not sure yet.

My deep gratitude to you all for your caring and concern.


  1. prayers from me for Jane, Chris and their little boy.

  2. I have only just opened the blog. Prayer for Jane, Chris and the baby. I pray that he is gaining strength.

  3. Thank you, Anonymous.

    Little James had his surgery which was, thankfully, successful. Things were rough for a while because he couldn't breathe on his on and he had to be on a ventilator. But he pulled through that too and got to go home this past Monday.

    Thank you for your prayers and keep them up because this has been traumatic for his VERY young parents.


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