Sunday, January 16, 2011

For your contemplative practice:

This is wonderfully focusing and soothing at the same time. I really love the way each icon gently moves into the next without any abruptness. Some of these are most unusual. I am particularly interested in the icon you find from about 5:22 until 5:52.


  1. Ellie, thank you! These are beautiful, some famous, but some I have never seen. Did u put this together or sis u pluck it, like a lovely fruit, altogether and ripe?


  2. Oh, Nij, I found it as is over on YouTube. I'm afraid I know nothing about how to put a video together!

    I'm so glad you liked it!

  3. Hi, I just wanted to thank you for a beautiful [piece of work. I am actually following your blog but I think you have added to it since last time. It makes such a nice change to read something with substance. I am a scholar of Tibetan Buddhism and very proactive in Tibetan Human Rights issues. I very much like your blog and would be grateful if you would have a look at mine. Thanks Tenzin Dasal

  4. Hello, Julie. Yes, I did visit your blog but I couldn't find a place to comment.

    Thanks for visiting here and do come back!

  5. Beautiful works of art and good meditations, even if I did take issue with Farber, January 19.

  6. I'm so glad you stopped by, Tom. Take issue with anything you like. That makes the conversation a lot more interesting!

    I love looking for art works over on Wikimedia Commons to go with/support/illustrate the quotations along with my own reflections here. It's like a meditative practice for me, actually.

  7. And your meditative practice is well done and, for lack of a better description, very much meditative. : )

  8. Thanks, Tom. I really appreciate that.


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