Friday, June 6, 2008


I just found this poem. Simple. Powerful:

God it hurts

I said 'God it hurts'
And God said 'I Know'
I said 'God I cry alot'
And God said
'That's why I gave you tears'
I said 'God I get so depressed'
And God said 'That why I gave you sunshine'
I said 'God I feel Alone'
And God said 'That's why I gave you loved ones'
I said 'God my loved one is dead'
And God said 'I watched mine nailed to the cross'
I said 'God Where are they? '
And God said 'Mine is on my right and yours is in the light.'
I said 'God it hurts'
And God said 'I know'

-- Amy Louise Kerswell


  1. Thank you. I'm emailing this to a friend I talked to a few hours ago.

  2. So am I. I'm coming into a couple of difficult weeks for me -- too many anniversaries. Thanks for posting this, Ellie, and enjoy your time away.


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