Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hidden meanings

Artist: Henri Rousseau
Image from Wikimedia Commons

Today I offer you the following. Make of it what you will!
"Everything in this world has a hidden meaning. . . Men, animals, trees, stars, these are all hieroglyphics. . . When you see them, you do not understand them. You think they are really men, animals, trees, stars. It is only years later, that you understand."
— Nikos Kazantskis in Zorba the Greek

1 comment:

  1. "You think they are really men, animals, trees, stars. It is only years later, that you understand."

    My sister is always saying what if we and everything around us are only illusions and it is the supernatural that is reality. Don't know where she got it, but this makes me think of that idea.
    Carolyn L.


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