Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Artist: Martin Johnson Heade

Some very good questions are posed in the following quotation. Today would be a good day to reflect on them:

How do we live in creation? Do we relate to it as a place full of "things" we can use for whatever we want to fulfill and whatever goal we wish to accomplish? Or do we see creation first of all as a sacramental reality, a sacred space where God reveals to us the immense beauty of the Divine?

As long as we only "use" creation, we cannot recognize its sacredness because we are approaching it as if we were its owners. But when we relate to all that surrounds us as created by the same God who created us and as the place where God appears to us and calls us to worship and adoration, then we are able to recognize the sacredness of all God's handiwork.

-- Henri Nouwen

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