Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Something about knowing ourselves

Artist: Jan van Eyck

Here's something I came across today. It gives me pause. There is much to think about here and much to pray about as well. It seems to me that it could be a good focus for Advent to keep this assertion as much in mind as we're capable of managing:

The things that we love tell us who we are.

-- St. Thomas Aquinas


  1. Lovely...reminds me of Rumi...
    "may the beauty that you love be what you do".

    annie c

  2. Mmmm. That's a marvelous Rumi quote, Annie. Thank you.

  3. And then what? Who gets to judge this information?
    Am I allowed to think you're a typical, overprivileged white woman who likes cats and who gets her money in ways 99.9% easier than the rest of the world because of the things YOU like? Is that legitimate?


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