Artist: Simon Ushakov
Today, I came across a Maundy Thursday sermon that gives me much material for reflection. It's by the Rev. Ben E. Helmer, a priest in Arkansas. Here are a couple of excerpts:
There is something about this sacred day that sets it apart – something deeply transforming. We’re not merely remembering the night before Jesus died, we are actually living it through liturgy. The flash of insight as we are connected with the Passover of our Jewish sisters and brothers, the solemn washing of the feet, the taking of the bread and the cup, these experiences leave us with a depth of meaning that goes beyond words, as all good liturgy does.
Maundy Thursday gives us liberation, freedom, and grace to become a new community, not one centered merely on liturgy that remembers, but one centered on liturgy that leads us to act. If we see Christ crucified and risen from the dead, then our lives are transformed forever. If we believe Christ offers himself on the cross as the ultimate act of love, then we can see ourselves as called to act on behalf of others.
May this sacred night bring each of us true awareness, insight and the depth of meaning of which Fr. Helmer speaks.
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