Tuesday, July 8, 2008



Sometimes when another person does not see our vision, that person may very well subject us to an interrogation - demanding that we somehow justify our ability to see what we see. Here's a wonderful passage that explores what this means:

We of the modern time live much more in the attitude of interrogation than of exclamation. We so blur our world with question marks that we lose the sense of wonder and sometimes even of vision. It is refreshing to note how frequently the great spiritual teachers of the New Testament introduce their message with the word "behold!" They speak because they see and they want their hearers and their readers to see. Their "behold" is more than an interjection — it has the force of an imperative, as though they would say: "Just see what I see. Open your eyes to the full meaning of what is before you," which is the method of all true teachers.

Rufus Jones


  1. Gosh, all these things make me speechless! Ms. Finaly, are you Roman Catholic?

  2. Nope, Rose. Episcopalian. (The Episcopal Church is part of the World-wide Anglican Communion.) And I'm a nun under solitary vows.


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