Friday, May 8, 2009

Paradox and Via Negativa

Some years ago I heard a talk by Fr. Richard Rohr on tape in which he quoted the following:

In order to arrive at pleasure in everything, you must seek pleasure in nothing.
In order to arrive at possessing everything, you must seek to possess nothing.
In order to arrive at being everything, you must seek to be nothing.
In order to arrive at knowing everything, you must seek to know nothing.
In order to arrive at that in which you find no pleasure, you must go by a way in which there is no pleasure.
In order to arrive at that which you do not know, you must go by a way you do not know.
In order to arrive at that which you do not possess, you must go by a way of dispossession.
In order to arrive at what you are not, you must go by a way in which you are not.

-- St. John of the Cross

Rohr used a different translation. I wish I could find the one he used as it was a bit simpler. But this will do; oh, yes, this will do.

It is very strengthening and consoling to me right now and I hope will be for others who read it.

(The open circle or enso as pictured above represents enlightenment, emptiness, reality, the all, the void, the absolute.)

1 comment:

  1. Cyberhug!

    I used to see posters of the enso on telephone poles in Berkeley years ago and had no idea what it was. Over time I have learned what it meant, more or less, but still not known what it is called. Thank you.


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