Friday, August 28, 2009

The theological question facing us

Artist: Victor Dubreuil

For a long time now I have believed that Walter Brueggemann is one of the most important theologians/biblical scholars writing today. I had the enormous privilege of meeting him and hearing him speak here in Tulsa a few years ago. What he says below is really important, I think. Even urgent:

Though many of us are well intentioned, we have invested our lives in consumerism. We have a love affair with ‘more’—and we will never have enough. Consumerism is not simply a marketing strategy. It has become a demonic spiritual force among us, and the theological question facing us is whether the Gospel has the power to help us withstand it.

-- Walter Brueggemann


  1. Yes, I know, Jan. I thought so too.

  2. i think he's right in telling us that it's just not a marketing strategy. look at what we are willing to give up in order to have more "stuff"?

  3. I appreciate his question about "whether the gospel can help us to understand it".

    I would like to hear some thoughts on the subject...

    annie c

  4. woops...I see that I read it wrong. Can the gospel help us to withstand this addiction to consumerism?

    Honestly, I don't think so. But it's a great question and something to ponder.
    annie c


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