Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Do we enjoy God?

Margret Hofheinz-Döring/Galerie Brigitte Mauch Göppingen
Image from Wikimedia Commons

Here's a poem that has escaped my attention before today. I'm very glad I found it and I'm going to spend a good bit of time reflecting on it:

Just these two words He spoke
changed my life:

“Enjoy Me.”

What a burden I thought I was to carry--
a crucifix, as did He.

Love once said to me, "I know a song,
Would you like to hear it?

And laughter came from every brick in the street
And from every pore
in the sky.

After a night of prayer, he
changed my life when
He sang,

"Enjoy Me."

-- Teresa of Avila


  1. Beautiful Ellie. One lent, a few years ago, as I was praying I got a sense of joy - believe it? In lent? And I felt that it was because He did this, all of it because He loves us. He chose his path out of love. Yes, we should enjoy Him. One of the children in a religion class once told me that He created us because He thought He would enjoy us.

  2. I'm not surprised that you liked this one, Andie!


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