Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saint Simon and Saint Jude

Today is the anniversary of my clothing as a novice - the ceremony during which I received the habit. And I was given the name Sister Ellen Jude in religion. I've often joked that it was because my superiors thought I was such a "hopeless cause" but that's not really true. I actually asked for the name myself. I've long had a devotion to St. Jude (the patron saint of hopeless causes) because he represents God's never failing fidelity to me. Seemingly desperate, hopeless, causes are not ignored or written off by the living God. Somehow, in God's timing and according to God's ecomony, those predicaments are never wasted and are truly redeemed and we can count on that.

A devotion to Saint Jude reminds us that, as Christians, we are clearly under orders not to despair. Ever.

"Saint Jude, Hope of the Hopeless, Pray for me."

Deo gratias!

1 comment:

  1. A blessed anniversary (belatedly) and may Jude stand by your side in every desperate moment.


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