Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Visibility and absence of secrecy

Mount Baker

The internet is an amazing thing, really. What I love about it is that you can discover something you never set out to find and then it seems as if the discovery was somehow "meant". Today I decided I wanted to post a Mary Oliver poem on my meditation blog and I went looking for a fresh biographical statement about her. That led me to a website called EarthLight Library and there I found a page on Annie Dillard with some selections from her writings.

I don't think I'll ever see a mountain again without thinking of the elevation at Eucharist:

I came here to study hard things - rock mountain and salt sea - and to temper my spirit on their edges. "Teach me thy ways, O Lord" is, like all prayers, a rash one, and one I cannot but recommend. These mountains -- Mount Baker and the Sisters and Shuksan, the Canadian Coastal Range and the Olympics on the peninsula -- are surely the edge of the known and comprehended world.... That they bear their own unimaginable masses and weathers aloft, holding them up in the sky for anyone to see plain, makes them, as Chesterton said of the Eucharist, only the more mysterious by their very visibility and absence of secrecy.

-- Annie Dillard


  1. mountains as eucharist? amazing!

  2. Wow. I wonder, is that why some of the native tribes in the Pacific NW adapted Anglicanism into their cultures so easily? They already understood that mix of comprehension and overwhelming awe.


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